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elastic system中文是什么意思

用"elastic system"造句"elastic system"怎么读"elastic system" in a sentence


  • 弹性体系
  • 弹性系统


  • The spectrum curves determined for linearly elastic systems still have significance for nonlinear hysteretic vibrations .
  • An elastic system model for the analysis of futures price fluctuation
  • Railway rolling stock . buffers for freight rolling stock . elastic system of 105 mm stroke
    铁路车量.特路运货车的缓冲装置. 105毫米冲程的弹性系统
  • Railway rolling stock . buffers for freight rolling stock . elastic system of 130 mm and 150 mm stroke
    铁路车辆.特路运货车的缓冲装置. 130mm和150毫米冲程的弹性系统
  • Finally , the multi - layer elastic system theory is employed to analyze the pavement response under the nonuniform load
  • By using new dual vectors , dual differential matrix and orthogonality relationship , a new solution method by igenfunction expansion for an elastic system with one continuous coordinate is establishen based on the theory of ordinary differential eguations
  • When the stationary working current is lower than the critical current of the electromagnetic - elastic system , a numerical program is established to simulate the dynamic responses of the deformation of the current - carrying magnet subjected to a pulse current with rectangular shape
  • It is shown that the target export rebate system should be established through five facets : the reform of the value - added tax ( vat ) system , the setting of the rebate rate , the unification of the administrative measure of the export rebate , the optimization of the rebate fiscal burden and the strengthen of the administration of the export rebate , which can ultimately acquire the least rebate cost and the maximum rebate benefit . to be detail , first , the existing vat system should be reformed , the vat system should be transformed from the production model to consumption model and the administration of levying tax should be strengthened , which can establish a good basis for the optimization of the export rebate system ; second , after considering the national and international practical situation comprehensively , the suitable rebate rate which is combined " neutral and different " should be chosen , and a set of elastic system of rebate rate which has both relative stability and timing flexibility should be establish ed ; third , with the further deepening of the reform of foreign trade system and the gradual improvement of the ability of the administration of the export rebate , the existing two kinds of administrative measures should be gradually transited to the single measure - " exemption , credit and rebate " ; forth , the existing sharing measure of vat should be innovated , the new rebate burden system - " first rebate then share " should be built ; fifth , a set of stimulation and restriction system of export enterprises and tax authorities should be built to strengthen the administration of export rebate effectively
  • Pole , thin plate , thin shell in the electromagnetic elastic system , etc . when there is no machinery to restrain , the system has an unstable movement mode at least , and while exists restrain , after up to a certain critical value in electric current or the magnetic fielding , buckling must take place in the system
  • Secondly , based on the syntony frequency and the elasticity mechanics and other correlative professional knowledge , establishes a suit of fsm vibration module system , selects the structure , material and the process and treatment technique of the elastic element in the elastic system of the mirror , analyzes a lot of factors which affect the structure of the rapid controlling reflector and provides the derivation formula
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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